179 South Street
New Providence, NJ 07974
Tel: (908) 464-0664
Fax: (908) 464-4920
8:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Monday - Friday
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
On Call By Phone
Monday - Saturday Until 10:00 PM
Directions to
179 South Street
New Providence, NJ 07974
(908) 464-0664
From Morristown, Madison, Chatham: Take Route 124/Main St. East. At first “downtown light” in Chatham, turn right onto Fairmount Avenue at the Bean Curd Restaurant. Go 3 miles to second light and turn left onto Southern Blvd. Bear right at light at bottom of hill onto River Road. Follow road curving left over bridge (changes name to Passaic St. and then to South St.). Go through light at Springfield Ave. Go about 0.3 miles (passing Friendly Ice Cream on the right) to MHVA on the right.
From Rt. 78 West: Take exit 43 (New Providence). Go uphill to second traffic light and make a right onto Mountain Ave. Go to third traffic light (about 1 mile) and make a left onto South St. Go to first traffic light (about 1 mile). After the light, MHVA is on the left just past the Best Western Hotel.
From Rt. 78 East: Take exit 44 (New Providence). Make left at light at exit. Take next left onto Glenside Ave., which goes under Rt. 78. (Glenside Ave. changes its name to South St.) Go to second traffic light (about 2 miles). After the light, MHVA is on the left just past the Best Western Hotel.
From Rt. 22 West: Take the “Scotch Plains Fanwood Berkeley Heights New Providence” exit (across from the Scotchwood Diner) to the first light. Make a right on to New Providence Road. Go to third traffic light (about 2 miles) and make a right onto Mountain Ave. Go to third traffic light (about 1 mile) and make a left onto South St. Go to first traffic light (about 1 mile). After the light, MHVA is on the left just past the Best Western Hotel.
From Rt. 22 East: Take the “Scotch Plains Fanwood Berkeley Heights New Providence” exit (after Snuffy’s Restaurant) and make the first right, going over Rt. 22. Go to fourth traffic light (about 2 miles) and make a right onto Mountain Ave. Go to third traffic light (about 1 mile) & make a left onto South St. Go to first traffic light (about 1 mile). After the light, MHVA is on the left just past the Best Western Hotel.
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